Dry Fly Salmon Leader- butt 0.59/tip 0.31 mm, L 4.0 m

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Dry Fly-059031
€10.00 €8.00
Quick Overview

Dry Fly Salmon nylon leader

When fishing for salmon, your equipment (rod/reel/line/leader) is the most important part of flyfishing, if you want to be successful. This is especially true when it comes to the leader.

In a dry fly leader for salmon, you seek the following: It should be able to carry the dry fly/bomber with ease and turn it over elegantly at the end of the cast. More importantly, it should allow the dry fly to “descend gently” when being presented, and also be long enough to ensure that the line does not pull the dry fly down towards the surface. The dry fly really must be completely “free” when it falls.

For line wt. 18 g/278 gr

If using small to medium size dry flies (i.e. single hooks sizes 8 – 10), then cut 0.20 meters off the butt section and extend the leader 0.45 meters with 0.30 mm tippet material, to make a total maximum length of 4.25meters.

If using larger dry fly patterns (i.e. double hooks sizes 4 – 6) then use the leader as it is so that the total maximum length is 4.0 meters.

Dry Fly Salmon nylon leader

When fishing for salmon, your equipment (rod/reel/line/leader) is the most important part of flyfishing, if you want to be successful. This is especially true when it comes to the leader. In a dry fly leader for salmon, you seek the following: It should be able to carry the dry fly/bomber with ease and turn it over elegantly at the end of the cast. More importantly, it should allow the dry fly to “descend gently” when being presented, and also be long enough to ensure that the line does not pull the dry fly down towards the surface. The dry fly really must be completely “free” when it falls.

For line wt. 18 g/278 gr

If using small to medium size dry flies (i.e. single hooks sizes 8 – 10), then cut 0.20 meters off the butt section and extend the leader 0.45 meters with 0.30 mm tippet material, to make a total maximum length of 4.25meters.

If using larger dry fly patterns (i.e. double hooks sizes 4 – 6) then use the leader as it is so that the total maximum length is 4.0 meters.

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